Courses & Registration
Third Engineer & First Firemen License Prep
Offered in Woburn MA, Westwood MA, Worcester MA
This course is provided for those who wish to advance in the field of steam power plant engineering and operation; by gaining a more advanced knowledge of Boiler Operation when various fuels are used. After successfully completing this course, students are prepared to take the written and oral state license exams. In accordance with
Mass. General Laws, Chapter 146: Once you are licensed as a First Class Fireman, you can have charge of and operate any boiler or boilers where the safety valve or valves is set to blow at a pressure not to exceed 25 psi, or to operate high-pressure boiler or boilers·under the engineer or fireman in charge.
Chapter 146: Once you are licensed as a Third Class Engineer, you can have charge of and operate any boiler or boilers not exceeding in the aggregate 150 horsepower, when solid fuel is burned, or not exceeding in the aggregate 500 horsepower, when steam is generated by the use of liquid or gaseous fuel, electric or atomic energy or any other source of heat, and an engine or engines not exceeding 50 horsepower, or to operate a second class plant under the engineer in direct charge.
Also offered as a live online course.
Note: This course is offered during the following times / semesters: Fall, Spring, Summer
This course is offered in the following location(s): Woburn, Westwood, Worcester
Enrollment Info
Tuition | Down Payment | Weekly | Books/Fees |
$2000 | $900 * | $100 | $325 * |
* Down Payment and Book Fees Due at Time of Registration.
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