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Firemen/Engineers Continuing Education Correspondence Course

Offered Correspondence

THIS IS A CORRESPONDENCE COURSE. The Peterson School offers 30 hour Continuing Education classes for all licensed Engineers and Firemen.

This course has been approved by the Department of Public Safety to satisfy the 30 hour Continuing Education requirement as mandated in Chapter 146 of the Massachusetts General Laws. This course is designed to offer students maximum flexibility. 

Topics to be covered:


2 Hours    M.G.L. Chapter 146
2 Hours    522 CMR- 1-17


4 Hours    Combined Cycle Operations
4 Hours    Combustion
4 Hours    Steam Condensers
6 Hours    Water Treatment
6 Hours    Steam Turbine Operation
8 Hours    Power Plant Auxiliaries
8 Hours    Steam Boiler Operation

Note: This course is offered during the following times / semesters: Ongoing
This course is offered in the following location(s): Correspondence

Dates / Registration    

Enrollment Info

Tuition Books/Fees
$745 none

* Tuition Due at Time of Registration.

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